Thank you for your interest in our 2025 Summer Internship positions at Pathway Community Church in our Student Ministries department.
Please read through the plan and strategy for our summer internship before you begin this process.
Summer Internship Plan and Strategy
Specific Learning Objective:
The objective of this internship is to provide an atmosphere in which the intern gains knowledge, skill and/or further understanding of said intern’s area of study. PCC will provide ample opportunities to train and equip during the duration of the internship as their supervisor will provide guidance, evaluation and feedback to facilitate this objective.
Our Goal of "SENT" is:
Develop. Transform. Empower. GO.
Our hope is that you would:
- Gain hands-on ministry experience in a ministry you are passionate about.
- Gain church wide experiences in other areas of ministries to make you aware of what all goes into the “big picture” of ministry.
- Gain confidence in your God given gifts and abilities.
- Fall more in love with Jesus through mentorship and Discipleship.
o Kid Ministry
o Student Ministry
o Adult Ministry
o Worship/Tech Ministry
As a SENT intern, you'll focus on one of the following areas at PCC. No matter which ministry you're in, you'll gain experience with:
Developing and implementing Sunday services and midweek programming.
Building relationships with PCC staff, students, and adults.
Handling office and administrative responsibilities.
Leadership roles at camps and other events.
Coordinating, leading, and communicating with volunteers.
Please take some time and fill out the following information and we will follow up with you soon. We look forward to what the Lord has for you, and for our ministry, this summer!
If you have any questions, please contact Sav Dize at 260-797-5239 and we can help you!