Membership Interest  


In the Bible, being a member of a local church assembly is expressed best from

1 Corinthians 12:12-31 where Paul, the Apostle (leader) of the Early Church, teaches that each person within that church has a gift to be used to strengthen and mature that local church. In other passages such as Ephesians 4:11-16, Paul builds on this idea, explaining that the pastors and evangelists have the task of equipping the church for ministry. Again in this passage, the idea of the church being a body is presented as an illustration of how we are all to work together to provide what is needed for that local church. Other passages of Scripture support this view including Romans 12:1-8.

If you desire to become a member of Emmanuel, your first step would be to speak with one of our Pastoral Staff members. We are available after every Sunday Morning Service upfront in the Sanctuary. If this isn’t convenient for you, we can set up an appointment with you for another time. 

We will need the following information:

Your testimony of salvation. In other words, have you come to believe that Jesus is God in the flesh and that He paid the penalty for your sins? Are you trusting in Him alone, or do you believe that there is some kind of work you must have done (such as baptism) or continue to do (such as rely on your own morality)? You should be able to point to an experience where you finally, fully trusted Jesus alone for the forgiveness of your sins, your eternity, and your relationship with God.

Your experience of Believers Baptism. Have you been baptized by immersion following your trust in Christ? Did you understand that Baptism was an expression of your faith in Christ and a declaration of your desire to follow Him as Lord? Did you understand your Baptism to be symbolic, lacking any kind of saving grace, but was instead showing your faith to those who witnessed it? If you haven't been baptized that is something that we can discuss and set up a time for you to be baptized.

If you have completed our Membership Meeting. Do you agree with our Statement of Faith and our Constitution and By-Laws? These will be presented to you for you to review and ask questions to clarify any misunderstandings.

If you would like to speak with our pastoral staff please fill out the form below. In the subject field please put “membership” in the message body please include your salvation testimony and experience of baptism or need for baptism as well as any other message you would like to pass on.

Be blessed!

Pastor Davis