Fill in the information below to submit an announcement.
Please include:
What- Event Name 
When- Date & Time of Event (If this is an ongoing or multi week event please list ALL DATES that apply)
Who- Person to contact
Why- Brief Description
If sign ups are needed 
If you would like a slide to go in our News & Events Email or Sunday morning announcement slides, please create one in PowerPoint and send to, please leave the bottom left hand corner free of words, this space is for the countdown on Sunday Mornings, it must be 1280x720px. If you are unable to create one please contact the church office.

Please submit Announcement AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR to be included in the following Sunday's Announcements.

ALL Information submitted may be modified to accommodate all church wide ministry needs and may not be included in all announcement platforms selected.

Your annoucement may not be included in all announcement platforms selected.

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