* Have you read the Impactful Leadership Workshop - 5 Levels of Leadership? Select one Yes No
* According to the Level 1 Assessment, please select all the areas that you identify that needs to be developed. A. Build relationships with people on your team; know each person on your team beyond the functions of the department. B. Do not rely on rules and procedures to get things done. C. You never have to remind the team that you are the leader. D. You view each person on your team as an individual. E. You clearly know your strengths that you contribute to the team. F. You are consistently accountable to your Administrator or Leader. G. You are consistently on time to church services, meeting, etc. Being on time is defined as arriving at least 15 minutes before the start time. H. You collaborate with your team for ideas when developing future plans or goals for the team. I. You consistently have monthly department meetings. J. When given deadlines, you consistently turn in assignments well before the deadline which is defined as turning in assignments at least 2 days before the deadline. K. You work on projects and assignments by collaborating with others. L. You welcome the input of team members that have more of an expertise in an area than you or are different than you.
* What is your DISC Assessment result?
* What are your top two (2) spiritual gifts?
* What is one area that you will be including in your Personal Growth Plan as an area to grow in? This area should come from the Level 1 Assessment.