Volunteer - Attend and Serve  
Connecting Through Serving

Every believer has a special gift or gifts from God to be used in serving God’s Kingdom 1 Cor. 12:7. Some are teachers, some are helpers, some are prayer warriors, some are good at organizing and coordination, and others just like to serve wherever needed. Our small part of God’s Kingdom has many needs - listed below. If you feel you could be a good fit for one for these ministries please complete one of our Attend & Serve packets, found in the Narthex and return it with clearances (if required) to the drop box located in the narthex. Help completing the packet is available.

Children’s Ministry: The young at heart individuals charged with Christ’s love to pour on the most precious gift our church possesses; Children. Children’s ministry teachers and helpers come from all walks of life. The young, the old, the knowledgeable, and those who have a desire to learn more. Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings would not be possible without these unsung guardians to the future. (clearances required)

Cleaning: The church is full of activity on Sundays and all throughout the week. With that comes a regular need to clean behind our ministries. If you enjoy cleaning, please let us know! There is no commitment that is too small; many hands make light work.


Clothing Ministry: This ministry consists of folks who love to sort and provide help with seeing to the needs of those who need warm coats or clothing.


Greeters: The welcoming first smile seen by all attending here at Calvary. Greeters are the physical appearance of Christ’s love on a Sunday morning. Whether handing out our weekly bulletin, or directing someone to a location or person at Calvary. (clearances required)


Home Group Leaders: These fearless leaders offer their homes or their teaching abilities to lead small groups in a home setting. (approval by pastoral staff and required reading books)


Info Center: As a part of the welcome team, they serve as another connection point to help people register for upcoming events and answer questions about church happenings.


Prayer Team: "We do not make requests of You because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy." Daniel 9:18 God's mercy and grace are available to us in prayer. We are so thankful for a prayer team dedicated to interceding on behalf of our church. If you would like to come together in prayer, please come and join our team. Prayer team members sometimes serve at the conclusion of Sunday morning services, or pray with our pantry line guests, in addition to praying from their own homes.


Transportation: Our punctual group of drivers who bring people from all over Lebanon city to Calvary for 1st and 2nd service. Our buses/vans are the only reliable and warm source of transportation available for some guests. (clearances required)


Ushers: Friendly assistants there to help guests to locate seats in the sanctuary, direct individuals to restrooms, family viewing spaces, and give general directions within our building. (clearances required)


Kitchen: Our kitchen team is responsible for preparing meals for church events, weddings, youth group, our noon meal, and other gatherings as well. The team is Servsafe certified and are also responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of the church kitchen.

Many more opportunities available to serve in our family at Calvary Chapel Lebanon.

Call 717.273.5633 or email info@ccleb.com to see where you best fit!