International Summer Camps - Host Family Registration
Thank you for considering hosting an international coach/volunteer during the Summer Camp in June 2025. Coaches will be in the United States from June 20-30.
Please fill out the information below to register:
* First Name
* Last Name
* Email
* Mobile Phone
* Address
* Address 2 (Apt/Suite # etc.)
* City
* State/Province
* Zip/Postal Code
* Family Type
Select one
Nuclear Family
Couple without children
Single Parent Family
Multi-Generational Family
Name, gender and ages of children in the family (if applicable):
* How many people could you comfortably host? (e.g. 1 coach, couple, multiple coaches)
* Gender Preference? (click all that apply)
Married couple
It doesn't matter
* Briefly describe the host home amenities available in your home (e.g. private or shared bedroom and/or bathroom, internet access, sports equipment, etc.)
* Do you have animals in the house?
Select one
If yes, please describe:
Do you or your family have any dietary restrictions?
Are there any special health or other considerations in the family? (if so, please describe)
Does anyone in the house speak any other languages (other than english)? If so, which ones?
Family Interests?
* Would you generally be able to provide transportation for a coach from/to Elyria?
Select one
It depends
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Add Another Person
Processing registration ...
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