Water Baptism  


Awesome!  We are so excited that you want to be baptized in water.  Water baptism is an important step of obedience when following Jesus.

Before you sign-up please visit our Water Baptism page to learn about what this important next step is and what significance it will have on your journey of faith.  If you are ready to take this step of faith and follow Jesus in water baptism, please sing-up below.
A couple Questions to consider:
  1. What is your understanding of the Biblical reasons for Water Baptism?
  2. Have you put your trust in Jesus as Savior and are committed to following him and serving his mission in the world? 
  3. Please tell me why you would like to be Baptized?
Pastor Brad will ask questions 2 and 3 at your Baptism in front of all who are watching.

Learn more.