KidsLife Volunteer Interest  


Thank you for your willingness to serve in KidsLife!

Volunteering in KidsLife is super easy and FUN! Our amazing staff prepares everything for you. All you need to do is review the materials and show up ready to have fun with children. 

Committment Issues?
We need many volunteers every week to run KidsLife smoothly. Some volunteer positions only take one Sunday a month, while other positions are every other month during the school year. We give our year round teachers a break in the Summer months and have teachers fill in June, July and August. 

One Sunday Per Month
Children's church blanket leaders, worship leaders, and large group leaders volunteer one Sunday per month. We also have non-classroom opportunities, such as our welcome team, The Hello Crew, on our once a month rotations. 

Every Other Month 
Classroom teachers for all ages are on an every other month rotation from September through May. Teachers lead children through activities prepared by our staff. The lesson is taught by another volunteer in our large group time.

Summer Fun! 
In June, July and August, we need teachers to relieve our year round crew. VBS is a big event at Prestoncrest that requires lots of leaders and decorators.

Please choose all of the areas you would like to volunteer. You will be contacted when needed. Background checks are performed for all KidsLife volunteers.