It's the Christmas season and time for beautiful poinsettias to decorate our church. This year's poinsettias will be $10. You may purchase these flowers and dedicate them in memory or honor of a loved one.
Throughout the weeks leading up to Christmas, we will decorate SGWC with these poinsettias and recognize the dedications through a special Christmas bulletin. Dedicated flowers will be on display during December and can be taken home at our Christmas services on Sunday, December 22nd or Tuesday, December 24th.
Sign up to order by texting FLOWER to 336-525-5870. Flowers are preorder only. Please order by November 10th. Payments can be made by check (delivered to the office, or put in black offering boxes) or online by texting GIVING to 336-525-5870. Please be sure to add POINSETTIA to the memo of your check or in the online notes (on the last page). Paper order forms will also be available at our Information Center.
If you wish to purchase a flower for our Christmas season, fill out the information below. If you have any additional questions, please contact our church office, Monday-Thursday, 9-5 pm 336-993-2625