Life Groups
These questions will help us to best form and connect you to a group. A follow-up Sunday meeting will be scheduled following registration. These groups will be a 3-6 month commitment.
* First Name
* Last Name
* Email
* Mobile Phone
* Would you lead/host?
* Age Categories
Select one
Born in the 10's
Born in the 00's
Born in the 90's
Born in the 80's
Born in the 70's
Born in the 60's
Born in the 50's
Born in the 40's
Born before 1940
* Children, names and ages
* Group type
Mixed Life Stage Couples
Similar Life Stage Couples
Men's Small Group
Womens Small Group
Affinity/Other Type
* Availablity Per Month
Select one
1 Day a month
2 Days a month
4 Days a month
Add Another Person
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