Disciple Now  

Every year, we hold a Disciple Now (DNOW) Conference here at FCC. This weekend conference focuses on discipleship in the lives of students from 6 through 12 in areas like worship, authority of scripture, and service.

This year's DNOW,  scheduled for November 8-10 and will emphasize being a servant. We want students to understand that everyone needs to experience the missional synergy of serving on an effective team where people's gifts are meaningfully used and appreciated for Gospel advancement! But serving doesn't make you a servant. Becoming a servant happens as we follow Christ and become more like Him.

This event includes soul-stirring worship, biblical teaching, fun activities, and serving opportunities. We'll gather together for large group sessions at the church, spend two nights in grade—and gender-specific host homes, and conclude on Sunday at one of the FCC campuses, where they will have another opportunity to serve and worship. The small group leader will decide the campus. Parents will be informed which campus their student(s) will be at prior to the event.

The Sunday meeting will include the final DNOW message on serving and give the students another opportunity to serve. Parents will pick up their student(s) at the particular campus at 12:30p. Again, prior to the conference, parents will be informed of which campus their student will be attending.

Registration opens September 4. The conference cost is $75 per student. A $10 discount will be applied for those who register before October 1. Simply enter promo code EARLY for the early registration discount.