Connections Team Interest Form  

Connections Team Interest Form

Are you looking for a way to meet people at Faith? Join the Connections Team!

Greeters: The Greeter team welcomes our Faith family and guests as they come through the doors before each service. Greeters are in place 15 minutes before service begins and remain there for the first 10 minutes of the service. There are openings most every week to serve. A smile and friendly, helpful attitude are the only requirements! 

Ushers: The Usher team provides welcome and assistance in the sanctuary. They help find seats, assist with special needs, and see to the safety and comfort of the family each Sunday morning. They also assist the staff with handing out materials if necessary and collect the Care Fund offering once a month. Ushers can be men or women and usually serve at one service on any given week.

Connections Desk: The Connections desk is our information center in the lobby. The person who works the desk serves before 1st service, between services, and after 2nd if possible. Answering questions, helping with event registration, handing out informational materials, and pointing people in the right direction are some of the responsibilities of this position. This position can be staffed by women or men and there is opportunity to serve once a month.

Coffee Center: The Coffee Center team prepares and serves hot and cold beverages before each service and cleans up afterwards. To be part of this team you need to be able to arrive by 8:20 a.m., stand for at least an hour at a time, and lift 15 – 20 pounds. Training is also required as the equipment is specialized. At this time we need one person to fill a monthly opening and two back-up servers.

For all Connections Team members: We hold a 10 – 15 meeting at 8:30 a.m. called The Rally to bring you up to date with what’s happening at church that day, what will be presented in the announcements, any new procedures you need to be aware of, and to spend time praying for the morning services. All Connections Team members are encouraged to attend on the Sundays they serve.

If you are interested in serving, please fill out the form below and we will connect with you for next steps.