MT - Car Repair (Registration Group)   Please complete the required information below, including the first box that indicates you have read, understood, and agree to the following statement:

In return for the receipt of car repair diagnosis and services offered by the Boones Creek Christian Church Car Ministry, the Recipient agrees -

1) to release BCCC and any related parties from any and all injury and liability arising from the car repair and all associated activities.
2) to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless BCCC and any related parties for any and all injury and liability arising directly or indirectly from the car repair and all associated activities.
3) in no event shall BCCC or any related parties be liable for any damage or injury to the Recipient or any person or property of the Recipient.
4) BCCC makes no guarantee regarding the quality or effectiveness of the repair.
5) if a dispute over this Agreement or any claim for damages arises, the Recipient agrees to resolve the matter through a mutually acceptable alternative dispute resolution process and not through the court system.
6) in almost all cases, the Recipient will need to pay for the parts necessary to make the requested repairs, but the labor for the repair will be the gift of the BCCC Car Ministry.