Here's What's Happening Around The Corner January 30, 2025 |
| Welcome to Cornerstone MCC! |
We are living and sharing God's love in Christ for all by practicing radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional discipleship, risk-taking outreach and service, and extravagant generosity. Love is our core value!
Our Worship Services begin at 10:45am on Sundays. We also live-stream via our Facebook page and YouTube channel. We are located at 1007 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36604. Support Cornerstone, Donate Now |
Scripture: Luke 4:21-30
This is the season of Epiphany, when Christ is revealed as God among us. Christ passes through our midst just as surely as he did when he walked among people here on earth. And yet, we often miss him as easily as his neighbors did. Too often, we let Jesus pass through our midst, unrecognized. We fail to recognize the One who came to show us the way. He comes near to us, brushing our shoulders, being present with us. But we ignore Him completely. Join us for worship on Sunday as we hear the rest of the story that began with his reading from the prophet Isaiah.
~ Pastor Sara |
Several people have asked for a way to put names to faces and to share our contact information with one another within the church. We would like to begin taking photographs of family groups to print church directories this week. If you would like to participate, please hang around in the sanctuary for a few minutes after worship to get your family photo taken. If you are a church member who watches our services online every week and would like to get in on the fun, please send a recent photo of yourself or your family group to Pastor Sara by clicking below.
Click to Email Pastor Sara |
Our Celebration Sunday Luncheon is set for February 9, and the theme is Mexican food! A sign-up sheet is circulating through the sanctuary so you can let us know what you plan to bring to the potluck. Everyone is welcome to stay and enjoy this time of fellowship together. |
Please join us on Sunday, February 9th at 3:00pm as we celebrate the life of Judy Hammett. The service will be held in the sanctuary. In lieu of flowers, Judy requested for donations to be made to charity. Judy's life calling was helping children, so donations to adoption agencies for special needs children in her honor would be appreciated. Two places Judy mentioned were Mobile Emergency Pregnancy Services and United Methodist Children's Home in Decatur GA.
| Mardi Gras Parking Fundraiser |
Our biggest fundraising event of the year takes place during the two weeks of Mardi Gras. We offer safe parking for parade goers on our property. In order to make this happen, we need four or five volunteers for each and every parade day/night. Please give your church some of your time and energy this Mardi Gras by signing up to "work the parking lot" a couple of days/evenings. We always have a lot of fun while we work and the funds we raise are a blessing to us all.
Please take a few minutes to visit our website for information on Vision 25. You will find several surveys that are intended to help you share what you think about church. We will use all of the information to help us set our VISION for our future together.
Please note, this Sunday will be the last day to get your surveys completed.
CMCC Vision 2025 |
Take 5 in 25 is our prayer effort this year. You will find slips of paper with the names of five church members in the basket on the altar. Take one and pray for those people for a month. Then trade it in for a new set of names. Let's keep one another prayed up this year! |
We are updating some of our records to include emergency contact information for each individual. This can be extremely helpful information in case of an emergency on campus. Please click below to email our Board of Directors for what information is requested.
Email Board of Directors |
Our Outreach Ministry Team is looking for ideas for outreach activities, as well as potential introductions to organizations to help get the word out about our amazing church. We would love to hear your ideas about how we, as a church, can help serve our wonderful community. Please reach out to our Team Leaders with your ideas, either in-person on Sundays, via our church Facebook page, or contact the leaders directly by clicking the links below. Be blessed!
Click to Email Raya
Click to Email Robert |
| The 2024 Giving Statements are available for your income tax preparations. Please ask a Board of Directors member for yours on Sunday. |