Montana Indian Reservation
Milk River Pow-Wow Project  

VISION:  To work with Bruce Plummer and Montana Indian Ministries. To show the love of Christ to Native Americans at a Pow Wow through serving them by picking up trash, prayer walking, and serving them free coffee and water.

OVERVIEW:  Imagine seeing a tribe of Indians in full regalia, living in tents, in a 2-day dance competition in the rolling plains of Montana. You will get to put up your own authentic tepee that will sleep 6, eat some fry bread, and enjoy living among Native Americans for a weekend. You will be warmly received as you serve them free coffee or water.

PRICE:  $1,515 Price includes rental cars, lodging in hotel and at camps, meals at the camps, airfare, and travel insurance. Does not include meals in route to and from the field or at airport. Application and 10% deposit reserves your space!


July 23-29, 2024