But if I say I’ll never mention the LORD or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!
Jeremiah 20:9


The Ignite Student Ministries exist to:

MEET each student where they are,

LEAD them into a growing relationship with Jesus and others,

EMPOWER them to discover their God-given gifts, and

RELEASE them to make disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples.

Our regular meetings are held Sunday nights from 6-8pm at the church.

Ready to get connected?

Registration helps us keep you (parents AND students) in the loop with upcoming events, schedule changes, and special information related to youth activities.  When you sign up by clicking the Register button, parents will be required to enter their information first and then the students.  We look forward to MEETING, LEADING, EMPOWERING, and RELEASING you!