If you haven’t guessed, relationships are very important to our community and to me personally. Having healthy and thriving relationships is a central part of our theology, our mental health, and our well-being as humans. In order to help you all as parents/caregivers navigate having healthy and connected kids we offer a class/discussion on how to talk to your kids about sex and dating.
Why would I go to a class about this at church Deacon Bri? Because we believe that we were made for each other. Because God saw it was not good to be alone. Because we have a value and an ethic as a people of faith that influences how we treat others. Because our kids are not receiving this information at school. And most notably because YOU are the biggest influencer over their expectations of themselves and others. So it’s important to me that YOU feel equipped to navigate this world with your kiddos and your parenting partners.
What age should my kid be for this class to be relevant? Literally any age. Maybe you’re jumping on the bandwagon while they are in diapers (the world has shifted since you last dated). Perhaps your kid is in kinder-3rd grade; helping them grow friendships will help them have healthier intimacy. Perhaps you have a middle schooler who just got a new phone and they are now communicating outside of your line of site…. All of these are great reasons to come to the class. Are you raising a human? That human will be engaging with relationships at every stage of development. This class is for you.
But I’m scared. Fair. It is scary. My hope is that this class will help you not only understand your child's context better, but also have a strong sense of WHEN it’s time to have a conversation. THE TALK is more like… 1000 little talks. Over and over. I hope that this class and discussion will help you to meet those moments with your head and your heart.
If you’d like any more information please reach out! A breakdown of the classes will come out after the holidays :)
Deacon Bri