Grace Love and Mercy (Led by: Annette Holcomb and Michele Payne)  

Leader:  Michele Payne & Annette Holcomb
Day:  Wednesday  Meeting Time:  6:15pm
Topic:  Corinthians  Location:  Payne's Home

1 Corinthians:
Written to correct the Corinthians and those who wanted to stop sinning. It includes a reference to a previous letter that provided instructions on what conduct was not to be tolerated in a Christian church.

2 Corinthians:
Made up of two letters, with chapters 1–9 written in a conciliatory tone. It is about Paul's relationship with the Corinthians and his defense of his apostleship. Paul wrote 2 Corinthians from Macedonia in 55 or 56 AD, about a year after writing 1 Corinthians.

A central theme in both letters is the importance of unity within the Christian community. Paul emphasizes the need for believers to be of the same mind, avoiding divisions and factions.

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