(The Hub 5K & 1 Mile 2024) Volunteer Registration  

The Hub 5k/1 mile is coming up on Saturday, December 7th, 2024. We will need many volunteers to make this event successful. Please look below for all the ways you can assist in the Hub 5k/1 Mile.

Parking Team - This team will help park cars and greet runners.  (Race Day 7- 8:30 am)

Pre-Race Registration -This Team will sign up any non-registered runners and will be handing out race day packets.  (Race Day 7:15 - 8:30am)

Course Marshall & Water Team
- This team will be helping runners along the course by handing out water and making sure all runners are safe.  (Race Day 7:15 - 9:00am)

Finish Line Team
- This team will be directing runners at the finish line after the race and assisting as needed. (Race Day 7:15 - 9:00am)

Post-Race Refreshments
- This team will be serving coffee & pancakes for the post-race festivities.  (Race Day 7:15 - 9:00am)

Set Up Team - This team will assist with pre-race set up by setting up tables, signs, sound systems etc. (Race Day 7:00 - 8:30 am)

Tear Down Team - This team will assist with post-race set up by breaking down tables, signs, sound systems etc. (Race Day 9:00 am - 10:15am)

To complete the volunteer registration, fill in your contact information and select an open position to serve in.  Make sure to click the "Continue" button below to finish the registration. You should receive a confirmation text or email upon successful registration.