Ladies, join us as we read, review and discuss the book "When Strivings Cease" by Ruth Chou Simons. We will meet upstairs in the sanctuary the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at LOP at 6:30pm.
Please purchase or borrow a copy of the book ahead of our first meeting on Tuesday, February 4th.
*Please note: there is a study guidebook that goes with this title, however, you do NOT need to purchase it. We will reviewing & discussing the original book linked below.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Melanie Duletzke or call 586-381-4852 x4
Book can also be found digitally across different platforms but can be "borrowed" for free with your library card through the hoopla app. Note many apps only allow limited number of days to borrow books, which may be less than our study time.