SMBA Choir  
Thanks for your interest in singing in the Joint Choir for the 6 p.m. worship service that is part of the SMBA Fall Meeting on Sept. 29. The service will be preceded by a Messenger Dinner and business meeting that will kick off at 4 p.m. Below is the rehearsal schedule and further details.

Annual Fall Meeting Choir Rehearsal Schedule:
Sept. 22 | 4 p.m.-5 p.m. | Prospect Baptist Choir Room 
Sept. 29 | 5 p.m.-6 p.m. | Prospect Baptist Choir Room
The choir will share two songs during the service: "Tabernacle" in the So Blessed book from Prism Music originally recorded by We the Kingdom and "Holy Forever" from Medallion Music arranged by Jay Rouse originally recorded by Chris Tomlin.

For copies & demos of the music, email Monica Otten
Music Directors:
Richard Alexander
Monica Otten