“And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,”
Acts 2:46b
Tables of Eight is a planned once-a-month (March - May) potluck meal for up to eight adults held at someone’s home, or maybe a meal at a restaurant. There will be three meals during the season. It’s an opportunity to get better acquainted with people in the church that you may not know very well yet.
All adults, 18 years old and up—single, married, young parents, empty-nesters, retirees, whether this has been your home for 20 years or you’ve visited a few times—are invited to participate!
When you sign up, you will be placed in a table group. Each group will have a coordinator who will initiate the conversation to schedule your first dinner date. The dinner is provided by the whole group with each person being assigned a different dish for each gathering: main dish, salad, dessert, side, and drinks.
There is no expectation of culinary perfection, it is perfectly okay to bring things purchased at a store. Similarly, if having people in your home is uncomfortable, let us know and maybe meeting at the church will work for you.
The focus is on adults gathering. It may be that there are kids in the hosts home, and that is fine. Certainly, as a group, you can explore the possibility if/when/how to include any children. The goal over these three months is to get our adults sharing conversation together.
If you have questions about this opportunity, please contact Pastor Derek (derek@devonshirechurch.org).
Please sign up by February 25.