We think something powerful happens when men get out of their routine and into nature. We want to engage in intentional conversations with other guys and with God. For that reason, we want to invite you on our 2025 Movement Church Men’s Rafting Trip.
WHAT White Water Rafting Trip
WHEN Wednesday (after work) May 14 – Friday May 16
WHERE Mt. Hope, WV (near New River Gorge National Park)
WHY Connection, Camaraderie and Challenge in Jesus
COST $195
We will leave after work on Wednesday, go rafting on Thursday, go hiking Friday morning and have you back with your family around 5pm. We will camp in 8-person Army tents, cook over a fire and probably eat some Chick-Fil-A too. Lodging and guide services provided by Alpine Ministries located on the campus of Appalachian Bible College.
This trip is limited to 40 guys and you must register my April 1st.
Talk to your wife. Talk to your boss. Do not miss this trip.