Bradley Tailgate Volunteers  

Thank you for volunteering for our first year of tailgate parties on 8/30/2024 and 9/27/2024! Please read the following volunteer position descriptions and select which position you would like to help out with:

Set Up: Arrive to Movement Church at 4:00pm. Assist with setting up tables, dinner, bounce houses, Movement information, signage....

Tear Down: after everyone heads over to the game (about 7:30pm), assist with cleaning up and tearing down the event.

Serve Dinner: stand at the tables with hot dogs, chips and water and hand out one per person while introducing yourself to people in the community. 4:45pm-7:00pm

Movement Table: Hang out at the Movement table answering questions that people may have about Movement Church and handing out free Movement merch. Gather information of people who want to know more about Movement. 4:45pm-7:00pm

Bounce House: Monitor our two bounce houses and enforce bounce house rules. 4:45pm-7:00pm

Spirit Area: Assist students with getting ready for the game based on the theme of the game. There will be temporary tattoos, body paint and other Bradley spirit items for students to use. 4:45pm-7:00pm

Safety: Ensure that the event remains a safe environment for all participants and volunteers. *Must be a member of Movements safety team.