2025 Nominations  


Every year our church holds an annual Church Conference in May we call VISION WEEKEND, to recognize the end of another fiscal year, and the beginning of a new one. This year this event will occur in each one of our worship experiences on Sunday May 18. During the worship experience we will reflect and celebrate on the last year of ministry together, and look forward to the future.

Traditionally we have also elected Fusion Partners to serve in various lay leadership positions as well. However, starting this year, those elections will happen earlier in April. In preparation for this we convene a nominating team, appointed the prior year, who review congregational nominations submitted by YOU, and then present a list of approved candidates for the FUSION PARTNERS to vote for in April. As Fusion partners you are encouraged to recommend candidates to serve in light of our FUSION CORE VALUES (standards and expectations) that the nominating team uses as the filter to evaluate any potential candidate by:

    • Regularly present for our Sunday morning worship gatherings
    • Developing relationships with brothers & sisters in Christ throughout the church body
    • Assist one another, when needs arise, using their gifts to provide for those needs
    • Regularly engaged in quiet time with Christ, evidenced by fruits that reveal Jesus Christ is their Lord
    • Regularly involved and connected to a Life Group where fellowship, discipleship, and service happen most effectively
    • Personally involved on a regular basis in at least one area of ministry within the church in addition to any elected role
    • Demonstrates a Christ-like attitude while serving, exhibiting virtures including but not limited to; humility, respect, joy, peace, patience, and self control 
    • Shows evidence that they have personalized Christ’s mission to “seek and save those who are lost” and are regularly witnessing to individuals in their life & inviting them to church
    • Passionately support the church’s mission to reach “Just One More At Any Cost!”
    • Lives a life of integrity, where their identity in Christ is revealed to be the same in all situations
    • Is committed to worship as a lifestyle and integrating Jesus into every area of their life
    • Demonstrates consistent financial investment in the ministry of Fusion

You can choose to suggest candidates ONLINE on this page, or nomination packets are available at Guest services for you to pick up, if you would like to use paper. They include nomination cards and active Partnership Records for you to consider and fill out, should you feel compelled. The purpose of these open nominations is for you to Nominate a fellow Partner to be voted on for a specific role if the Holy Spirit leads your heart to do so. This form is available on Sunday March 3. All nomination must be submitted by Sunday March 9. The following conditions apply to all potential nominations:

  • Any person nominated, if willing to run, will be vetted by the nominating team, the same as other candidates, to be sure that they meet the requirements expected.
  • No nominations will be accepted anonymously.
  • No nominations will be accepted without a somewhat detailed reason as to WHY you are specifically feeling led by God to suggest that they serve in this capacity

 Local Board of Administration/Elders (LBA)
  • The LBA is our leadership team comprised of 6 active members that also serve legally as trustees
  • LBA members serve to follow the direction of the Head of the Church, Jesus, for the benefit and vision of the church body as it relates to policies, procedures, facilities, and budgets
  • Each role on the LBA serves for a term of TWO years, but serve in overlapping terms so that one half of the Board is elected each year. This year it is the Secretary & 2 Members at Large.
  • As a note, current Fusion staff members or their spouses CANNOT serve on the Elder board, but they are eligible for other elected roles.


Secretary (1 PARTNER being elected this year)

Is the legal signatory for the church family and records minutes for all meetings.

Member at Large- (2 PARTNERS being elected this year)

A voting member of the LBA with no other specific responsibilities as a part of this team

District Delegate (3 PARTNERS being elected, with 6 alternates as backup)

A member from Fusion Community Church who attends our district conference hosted near NYC in June. They all vote as delegates on behalf of the local church for positions of service and budgets within our Northeast District.

Please see the list below of current Fusion Partners to insure who you are nominating is a Fusion Partners. 

Please only fill in one person per position. If you want to nominate more than one person please feel free to email Pastor Fetter (andrew.fetter@fusioncommunity.church) with the name, position, and explanation of additional people. 

Secretary (One person being elected this year)

  - Is a legal signatory for the church body and captures minutes or records of all meetings

Member at Large (Two people being elected this year)

  - A voting member of the LBA with no other specific responsibilities as a part of this team

District Delegate (3 partners from FCC, with 6 alternates)

  - A partner from Fusion Community Church who attends our district conference hosted in New Jersey on June 8-9 2023. They all vote as delegates on behalf of the local church for positions of service within the Northeast District