Ezra - Women's Bible Study - Fall 2024  

Ezra was a man who lived his life by the word of God. He applied the word to his life and made it his way of life and it helped him to live like God wanted him to live.

Ezra was a Jewish exile in Babylon and he was a man who was called a ready scribe. As a scribe, he wrote down the scriptures as the prophets spoke. He was said to have done more to collect and arrange all of the Scriptures and record them than anyone else of his time. As a "ready-scribe", he was able to discuss the Scriptures and explain them to others at a moment's notice because he had already personally studied them, he knew them and was comfortable with them.

He had just the right words ready to speak out "just the right nugget" of truth to the people that God brought to him. He was called a man of "great piety and zeal". Meaning, he put God and 
the Scriptures first in his life every day.

Come and join us in this study and learn the many, many life changing lessons from this incredible man.

Needed: Bible and a notebook