Faith Kids Volunteer Sign Up 2024  

We are so excited that you are interested in serving in Kids' Ministry at Faith Church!  
Please include your contact info below if you want to learn more about volunteering in our Faith Kids ministry. We would love to talk with you about filling a spot!  We are excited about the continued opportunity to lead our kids in their walk with Jesus! Here are a few places you can serve.

9:00 am Service

Building B Welcome Desk
Nursery (5th Sunday)
2yo Small Group Leader (twice a month)
2yo-PreK Subs (once a month)
3's/4's class helper (twice a month)
Kinder helper (1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays)
K-2 Subs (once a month)
3rd-5th Grade Girls Subs (x2)
3rd Grade Boys Leaders (x2)
Faith Buddies (x4)
Nursery (5th Sunday)

10:30 am Service

Building A Check-In Room
Building B Welcome Desk Subs
Nursery helper (4th/5th Sundays)
Nursery teen helper (twice a month)
Kinder/1st Leader 
K-2 Subs (once a month)
2nd -5th Grade Sub (x2)
Faith Buddies (x2)


Kids of Character (2-3 Leaders, 2 male subs)