Rooted group
Group Photo
Time of day:
Starts 4/17 @ 7pm EVENTS ROOM *Childcare Provided*
Rooted is a 10-week program for people in every life stage, wherever they are on their walk with Christ. Rooted is a catalyst for life change where discussion is held in a life group environment, creating a safe space for biblical exploration and practical learning experiences. Over the course of 10 weeks, rooted will help us put into practice not only what Jesus did, but also help us discover what our purpose is and how it fits within God’s broader redemptive narrative.

Rooted focuses on walking through the rhythms of life in order to form us, ground us, and grow us as disciples. We believe that this is the next step for Canyon Hills that enables us to offer a great discipleship tool. Rooted is not another bible study, but an experience that grows our relationship with Christ as the weekly readings teach us what it means to be a disciple of Jesus through the rhythms of life such as Scripture, prayer, worship, generosity and service.