Cyber/E Church Member Form 2022 - Master  


Note: Thank you for registering as a Cyber/E Church Member! God bless you and thank you for choosing the House of Hope Atlanta as your center of worship, fellowship, spiritual growth, and Christian service. We pray that grace and peace be multiplied upon you, your family, and your endeavors. On behalf of our Pastor, Dr.  E. Dewey Smith Jr., we are excited that you have chosen the House of Hope Atlanta as your new Cyber/E Church home.  We are “one church ministering to five generations.” Our goal is to care for you as you develop into the person that Christ desires you to be. 

Please register yourself on this form. If you are married and your spouse is also joining as a Cyber/E Member, select the add another person button to add your spouse. When you complete your registration(s) click on the "blue" "Continue" button, if you need to register a child(ren).