Group Leader(s): Dennise Vandegrift Day:MondayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/10/2025 Location:Zoom meetings
Description: 6:30 to 8:30 pm. We are currently meeting over Zoom. Contact Dennise for the Zoom link 352-279-2891.
The Cancer Care Group is an on-going group, that meets every week on Monday from 6:30-8 pm. It is for adult men and women, with any type of cancer diagnosis, at any stage of cancer (newly diagnosed, in treatment, post treatment, metastatic or advanced, or survivors), and just for patients (not caregivers, who can attend the Caregivers Care Group that meets at the same time). This Care Group provides the support and encouragement needed to get through a cancer season. They share stories of love, faith, hope and courage with other cancer patients. Leaders isDennise Vandegrift.
Group Leader(s): Johnny Campbell Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/12/2025 Location:CCW Bldg C, lower level
Description: 6 to 8 pm, Lower Level Building C
This is an open group for men studying in biblically based 12 Step recovery program for those who are working to overcome hurts, habits and hangups.
Group Leader(s): Teresina Jessie Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/12/2025 Location:CCW Building C downstairs
Description: 6 to 8 pm, Lower Level Bld C
Celebrate Recovery open share group for women. If you are dealing with any kind of hurt, habit or hangup you are welcome to join this group.
Group Leader(s): Day:SaturdayTime of day:MorningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/15/2025 Location:Building B103
Description: 8 am, Building B103
This group is designed for First Responders/Military to get together and discuss any current or past issues that they are dealing with that may be causing them post-traumatic stress. There is a spiritual component to our conversations so we pray together and apply God’s word in a practical way.
Group Leader(s): Godfrey Eason Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/12/2025 Location:CCW, Church Campus, Room B103
Description: 6:15 to 7:30 pm
A Bible based support group for anyone who has lost a loved one. Childcare/classes are available for birth-12th grade. Once you register, we will send you a link to order your book or you can go to