Group Leader(s): Tyler Walker Alexa Walker Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:09/25/2024 Location:Building D
Description: 6:15 to 7:30 pm, Bld D
Help you and your spouse achieve a deeper level of intimacy by stopping the crazy cycle of conflict, developing better communication skills, and enjoying renewed passion.
Group Leader(s): Joshua McGrew Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:09/25/2024 Location:Building B100
Description: 6:15 - 7:30 pm.
As disciples of Jesus, we are also people of His Word (the Bible). But the Bible is huge. It includes a variety of different authors, literary styles, and thousands of years of history. When reading the Bible, it’s difficult to know where to start and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The Story of the Bible study is designed to help begin to address that issue by (1) equipping participants with the ability to do basic interpretation and (2) creating a Biblical framework in which to plug future studies. Books cost $5 and are available in the foyer of Bld B on the first night of class.