Group Leader(s): Day:TuesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:02/25/2025 Location:Christian Church in the Wildwood
Description: Discipleship is a journey that is meant to be done with others. If you're a DiscipleMaker looking for someone to pour into, register in this group to let us know. We will partner you with someone looking to be discipled in the Way of Jesus.
Group Leader(s): Day:ThursdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:03/06/2025 Location:Christian Church in the Wildwood
Description: We all need someone to help us navigate the path to becoming like Jesus, but you may not know where to start. DiscipleMe is designed to help us connect you with a that person. Register to start the journey!
Group Leader(s): Day:Varies or N/ATime of day:AfternoonFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/16/2025 Location:Christian Church in the Wildwood
Description: NEWLY BAPTIZED BELIEVERS: Congratulations! You've decided to surrender to Jesus and step into a new life! With all of the blessings that come on this path, there are also challenges. *FirstStep* is an eight+-week, spiritual relationship designed to help you grow with God as you begin your new journey.
Group Leader(s): Day:ThursdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:03/06/2025 Location:Christian Church in the Wildwood
Description: If you're looking to get connected to a Group, look no further! Register under *Group Me* and one of our Coaches will contact you to get connected over the next few weeks.
Group Leader(s): Jesse Crouch Day:ThursdayTime of day:MorningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:02/27/2025 Location:Christian Church in the Wildwood
Description: We're constantly on the lookout for stories of how Jesus has changed lives. If you have a story that you think is worth sharing, sign up and one of our team will set up a time for filming.
Group Leader(s): Day:Varies or N/ATime of day:MorningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:02/16/2025 Location:Christian Church in the Wildwood
Description: We love to see people serve out of the SHAPE that God has given them. If you'd like to know more about how to get involved on one of our Ministry Teams, sign up and one of our team members will get back to you.
Group Leader(s): Dennise Vandegrift Day:MondayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/17/2025 Location:Zoom meetings
Description: 6:30 to 8:30 pm. We are currently meeting over Zoom. Contact Dennise for the Zoom link 352-279-2891.
The Cancer Care Group is an on-going group, that meets every week on Monday from 6:30-8 pm. It is for adult men and women, with any type of cancer diagnosis, at any stage of cancer (newly diagnosed, in treatment, post treatment, metastatic or advanced, or survivors), and just for patients (not caregivers, who can attend the Caregivers Care Group that meets at the same time). This Care Group provides the support and encouragement needed to get through a cancer season. They share stories of love, faith, hope and courage with other cancer patients. Leaders isDennise Vandegrift.
Group Leader(s): Johnny Campbell Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/12/2025 Location:CCW Bldg C, lower level
Description: 6 to 8 pm, Lower Level Building C
This is an open group for men studying in biblically based 12 Step recovery program for those who are working to overcome hurts, habits and hangups.
Group Leader(s): Teresina Jessie Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/12/2025 Location:CCW Building C downstairs
Description: 6 to 8 pm, Lower Level Bld C
Celebrate Recovery open share group for women. If you are dealing with any kind of hurt, habit or hangup you are welcome to join this group.
Group Leader(s): Day:SaturdayTime of day:MorningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/15/2025 Location:Building B103
Description: 8 am, Building B103
This group is designed for First Responders/Military to get together and discuss any current or past issues that they are dealing with that may be causing them post-traumatic stress. There is a spiritual component to our conversations so we pray together and apply God’s word in a practical way.
Group Leader(s): Godfrey Eason Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/12/2025 Location:CCW, Church Campus, Room B103
Description: 6:15 to 7:30 pm
A Bible based support group for anyone who has lost a loved one. Childcare/classes are available for birth-12th grade. Once you register, we will send you a link to order your book or you can go to
Group Leader(s): Frank Chiapperino Jeanette (Jan) Chiapperino Day:FridayTime of day:EveningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:02/28/2025 Location:Building D
Description: A Family Game Night for our Micro Community members. It begins at 6:00 pm and ends at 8:00 PM. We will meet in building D on the church campus. Bring a dessert or finger foods to share. We're going to have a fun evening!
Group Leader(s): Kim Anderson Day:MondayTime of day:AfternoonFrequency:MonthlyNext Meeting Date:02/17/2025 Location:Building B
Description: 1 pm to 4 pm; 3rd Monday of every month.
This group has a focus on Jesus and serving. We make items to fill a need. No special skills required, You don't have sewing skills? We will teach you if you want or you can cut patterns, iron, hand work, or just visit. Can you knit or crochet? Bring your project to work on with us and together we will work, learn, gather and grow as a group to serve our community.. Our Motto is Sewing a thread of God's love through the hearts of His people
Group Leader(s): John Pazar Day:SundayTime of day:LunchFrequency:MonthlyNext Meeting Date:03/02/2025 Location:CCW Building A
Description: A group of folks who love to ride motorcycles. We ride the 2nd Sunday of every month following the 2nd service. We stop somewhere on our route for lunch.
Group Leader(s): Sheila Jones Day:SaturdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:MonthlyNext Meeting Date:03/08/2025 Location:Building D
Description: 6 to 8 pm, Bld D
Fellowship group for singles 20 and over. We share a meal together and fellowship. Bring a dish to share. Ice Breaker activity and game fellowship also to benefit CCW Fill the Gap Food Ministry
Group Leader(s): Dawn McGrew Day:FridayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/14/2025 Location:CCW, Church Campus, Bldg B
Description: A Christian Ministry with Bible study for individuals with intellectual disabilities, their families and anyone with a desire to serve in this area.
Group Leader(s): Bernice Santas-Perez Day:SaturdayTime of day:MorningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:03/22/2025 Location:Bldg. A, Gym
Description: 9 am to 3 pm, Bld A Gym
CCW is excited to host a Spring Fling Craft Fair for the community.
Registration for crafter is $30/table. Sell your wares and make new friends.
Group Leader(s): Lynwood Gallier Joshua McGrew Joseph Caputo Eli Robinson Kathy Helmuth Day:WednesdayTime of day:MorningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:02/19/2025 Location:
Description: A group for people who have been affected by natural disasters to register and get the help or resources they need.
Group Leader(s): Joshua McGrew Joseph Caputo Eli Robinson Eric Andres Lynwood Gallier Kathy Helmuth Day:TuesdayTime of day:MorningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:02/18/2025 Location:
Description: When natural disasters occur in Hernando County or beyond. This group responds to bring the hope of Jesus to those affected.
Group Leader(s): Joshua McGrew Day:SundayTime of day:MorningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:05/04/2025 Location:Building B
Description: 9 am to 12:30 pm, Building B
Foundations is our two-part class designed to help you discover the CCW community and what it means to be a Family Member here.
Group Leader(s): Day:SundayTime of day:MorningFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:02/16/2025 Location:CCW, Building B100
Description: 9:00-12:30 class on how to grow in your relationship with Christ and get involved with the mission of making disciples. Brunch is served during the class.
Group Leader(s): Darcy Webber Day:FridayTime of day:EveningFrequency:MonthlyNext Meeting Date:03/07/2025 Location:Building A Room 159
Description: 6:30 pm
For singles and dating, co-ed group focusing on living a joyful, happy single life dedicated to Christ. Work through the difficulties of being single in today's culture.
Group Leader(s): Dan Grob Bryce Maldonado Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:Every other weekNext Meeting Date:03/12/2025 Location:Grob Residence
Description: This men's group meets weekly to grow in relationship in both our upward (God) and outward (others) relationships.
Group Leader(s): Neal Ellsworth Logan Sharp Day:FridayTime of day:MorningFrequency:Every other weekNext Meeting Date:02/14/2025 Location:Thousand Island Cafe
Description: Wake up early and come hang out with us! 7:30AM at Thousand Island Cafe
Group Leader(s): Darrell Hathcock Day:SaturdayTime of day:MorningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/15/2025 Location:Building B / Room 109
Description: Saturdays, June 29 and July 6, 2024, from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. A 2-part training for spiritually mature, CCW members who sense a call to mentor newly-baptized Christ followers in First Steps, an 8-week introduction to "following in the Way of Jesus day by day".
Group Leader(s): Darrell Hathcock Day:SundayTime of day:AfternoonFrequency:tbaNext Meeting Date:03/09/2025 Location:Building B-100
Description: Building B100, 12:45 pm
A gathering of all who serve in any of the Prayer Ministries of CCW so that we can renew our mission focus for 2025 and have lunch together.
Group Leader(s): Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/12/2025 Location:Building B100
Description: 6:15 - 7:30 pm.
At CCW, we're committed to being the Church the Jesus designed. We believe that means having a common unity and a common purpose. Foundations is a two-part class that we use to introduce new faces to these ideas; but sometimes we just need a refresher. Foundations Reboot is an 8-week class that uses the content of our Foundations series to explore that unity and purpose. If you're new to CCW, you can take this class to become a Family Member. If you've already become a Family Member of CCW, perhaps it's time to go back to the basics: rediscover, reconnect, and reboot your understanding of Church, faith, and discipleship. Materials are provided.
Group Leader(s): Day:SundayTime of day:MorningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:06/08/2025 Location:Building A129
Description: Dates: TBD
This four part class is designed to help potential leaders discover: The design of Biblical leadership. The growth plan for leaders at CCW. How to lead healthy groups and teams. How to develop apprentices and equip them for leadership. Materials are provided
Group Leader(s): Betty Blair Day:ThursdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:Every other weekNext Meeting Date:02/13/2025 Location:Blair Residence (North Royal Highlands)
Description: We meet from 6:00 - 7:30. Small children are welcome in our space!
Group Leader(s): Amy Gulbrandson Day:ThursdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:WeeklyNext Meeting Date:02/13/2025 Location:Freshwater Home
Description: This is an awesome group of women that love God, love our family and friends and have a strong desire to learn God's word. We started this group about 4 1/2 yrs ago, most of us are married with children, we are between the ages of 21 - 42. The setting is very very casual. There is no child care, we start @ 7:00 and usually wrap it up by 9:00 pm.