Leader(s): Kathy Irey Michelle Cusimano Tina Tennar Stephanie Hile White Sherry Jones
Day: Saturday Time of day: 012:00 p.m. Start Date: 02/17/2024
Location: Fellowship Hall City: Marion Topic: Fellowship
Description: Enjoy feeling connected, included, & cared about as we get together for a potluck style lunch or a free home cooked meal each month. Hanging out with other ladies will surely get you laughing all the calories off. Click the register button to let us know you are coming. Contact: Kathy Irey - 740.225.9718 or Tina Tennar - 740.360.2128
Schedule of Ladies Lunches:
2.17.24 - Know Thyself - Psalm 119:34 - Valentine's Day - Chili Bar - Tina Tennar & Kelly Knappenberger
3.16.24 - The Green Eyed Monster - Proverbs 27:4 - St. Patrick's Day - Taco Bar - Arin Tyler & Sydney Jones
4.20.24 - Mary, Mary Quite Contrary - Proverbs 6:14 - Easter - Ham Dinner - Roxanne & Jamie Reffitt
5.18.24 - Lunch Trip & Shopping TBD
6.15.24 - Building a Foundation - Psalm 119:37 - Lasagna - Cindy Ballinger, Bobbie Barber, & Kim Weddell
7.20.24 - Setting the Pace - Garden Party - Tina Tennar's home - 1963 Newman's Cardington Rd E, Waldo - Lunch & Craft - Tina Tennar, Deb Shumate, & Michele Stoltzfus
8.17.24 - Steady As She Goes - Phil 3:12 - Sloppy Joes, Chips, Ice Cream - Sharon Hughes & Stephanie White
9.28.24 - Gateway Church in Findlay, OH - Reaching Women Conference - Kathy Irey, Sydney Jones, & Arin Tyler
10.19.24 - Fear & Trembling - Psalm 56:3 - Halloween - Breakfast - Sharon Hughes, Stephanie White, & Deb Shumate
11.9.24 - Stressed Out - Psalm 143:4 - Thanksgiving
12.14.24 - Perfect Peace - John 14:27 - Ornament Exchange Christmas - Tina Tennar, Kelly Knappenberger, & Michele Stoltzfus
Leader(s): Pastor Keith Irey Chad Evans Joe Boswell Serina Boswell Dennell Evans Kathy Irey Michelle Cusimano
Day: Wednesday Time of day: 06:00 p.m. Start Date: 10/06/2024
Location: Various Homes City: Marion Topic: Fellowship
Description: This life group will walk you through Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven Life" book and correspond with every Sunday's message for the next several weeks. You will receive a free book when you sign up, which you will get at your first life group meeting.
Contact Kathy Irey with any questions - 740.225.9718
This life groups details
Leader: Chad & Dennell Evans - 220.221.2976
Host: Joe & Serina Boswell - 740.244.2267
Address: 891 Congress, Marion
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6-7:30pm
This group is for adult Men & Women
Leader(s): Duane Stoltzfus Michelle Cusimano
Day: Saturday Time of day: _9:00 a.m. Start Date: 11/30/2024
Location: Fellowship Hall City: Marion Topic: Fellowship and discussion
Description: Men – come hang out with other guys on a Saturday morning & devour a FREE homecooked breakfast. You will leave feeling full & encouraged. Breakfast will be served at 9am sharp.
Click the REGISTER button below to let us know you are coming.
Contact: Tim Barber: 740.751.1716 or Duane Stoltzfus: 740.244.5951
Leader(s): Pastor Keith Irey Chad Evans Michelle Cusimano
Day: Monday Time of day: To be announced Start Date: 12/30/2024
Location: City: Topic: Seeing God's glory through nature
Description: Men's retreat spring 2025
Leader(s): Chad Evans Dennell Evans Michelle Cusimano
Day: Tuesday Time of day: To be announced Start Date: 08/06/2024
Location: Genesis Church City: Marion Topic:
Description: United Through Christ Revival Follow Up Group
Leader(s): Michelle Cusimano
Day: TBD Time of day: To be announced Start Date: 06/29/2024
Location: City: Topic:
Description: A place for you to request RIGHT NOW MEDIA subscriptions the church is providing to you!
Leader(s): Pastor Keith Irey Michelle Cusimano Tonya Edens
Day: Saturday Time of day: 06:00 p.m. Start Date: 09/11/2024
Location: Café' City: Marion Topic: Security
Description: Provide security to person(s) and property during regular church hours and for special events. Report all incidents, prepare incident report. Participate in training/meetings.
Leader(s): Duane Stoltzfus Pastor Keith Irey Chad Evans Dennell Evans Kathy Irey Shirlene Reese Michelle Cusimano Tina Tennar Kimberly Weddell
Day: Sunday Time of day: 012:00 p.m. Start Date: 02/25/2024
Location: Cafe' City: Marion Topic: Connect
Description: Have you been coming to Genesis for a while? Or maybe just started coming? Want to meet Pastor Keith & Kathy and get to know more about Genesis?
Our WELCOME PARTY is a perfect opportunity to meet the Pastor, learn about Genesis, and get connected. There will be FREE pizza too!! This is a casual meet & greet type event, right after service, where you can ask questions, connect into a ministry, or simply just hang out with us.
All we ask is you let us know you are coming so we know how much pizza to get!! Just click REGISTER below and we will make sure to have a few slices reserved just for you!
Contact: Office - 740.212.2002 or info@genesis.cc
Leader(s): Michelle Cusimano
Day: Saturday Time of day: To be announced Start Date: 01/14/2023
Location: City: Topic:
Description: A group to text to get link for word for you app
Leader(s): Keith Irey
Day: Tuesday Time of day: To be announced Start Date: 12/10/2024
Location: City: Topic:
Description: Youth Sunday Worship Team