Leader(s): Chad Goudy Will Wise
Day: Monday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: AD Children's Center Topic:
Lifestage: Sports Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Join us Monday evenings for adult basketball! Players will arrive at 7:00pm sharp, break into Small Group huddles for 15-20 minutes of discussion, connection, and prayer, then regroup and count off into teams to play some ball! Invite a friend, come get some exercise, meet new friends, grow your faith, and have some fun with us!
Coed ages 18 & up
Starts Monday, February 3, 2025 @ 7:00pm
Please register here
Leader(s): Raquel Obando
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Twice each week
Location: Gimnasio Topic:
Lifestage: Sports Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Ejercita tu cuerpo y Espiritu, crecemos juntos haciendo lo que nos gusta
Leader(s): Nate Kelly
Day: Monday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Cypress Church Topic:
Lifestage: Sports Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: We meet in the worship center Monday Nights starting at 6:30pm We plan to start Mid October. We have 3 Pickleball courts and would love to have you join us!
Interested reach out to Nate Kelly- 614-214-3705
Leader(s): Jennie Scoby Matthew Knight Andrea Knight
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: London Country Club Until Winter Topic:
Lifestage: Sports Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: If you are an empty nester who likes to golf and dig deeper into your faith, then this is the group for you. We will try to golf 9 holes, starting at 5pm, while the weather permits. Then finish with prayer, a short study or Bible verses with discussion following. We will either go out for dinner or have snacks after golf. We try to finish the evening around 9pm. This group is a combination of ages, single and married.
Leader(s): Cindi Moody
Day: Monday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Grove City Chapel Topic:
Lifestage: Sports Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: Zumba is perfect for everybody and every body! Zumba Gold is a class for people of all fitness levels; even for people who may be recovering from an injury. Come to Cypress Church Grove City to have some fun, fellowship, and a great workout.
Leader(s): Lindsay Sharpes
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Dublin Campus Topic: N/A
Lifestage: Sports Childcare: No Campus: Dublin
Description: 8:15pm on Wednesday nights at the Dublin Campus. Teams are divided up each week and we play open gym style. Will begin on Wed Oct 2 2024.
Leader(s): Nicole Mast Ashley Shockley Annie Milholland
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Aldersgate Park Topic:
Lifestage: Sports Childcare: No Campus: Marysville
Description: A group of women gathering to play pickleball. All playing levels & ages are welcome! We will meet at Aldersgate Park in Marysville from 6:30-8pm. We will meet the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month.
There will be a short devotional thought and then we will play!