Leader(s): Rhonda Colvin
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: TBD Topic:
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: London
Description: This group will meet from 6:30-8pm. The small group for those who want to grow in our walk with Christ and spread His love through quilting! Whether you are an experienced pro quilter, someone who would like to learn, or just plain love quilts, you are welcome! We will study women of the Bible, learn more about each other, share our quilting triumphs and disappointments, inspire one another, encourage one another, and ultimately decide on a quilt that we will make during the course of this season to be donated. No sewing experience or equipment required to be part of our group. We will each work on quilt blocks outside of our meeting time, and bring them together over the course of our time together, culminating in a quilt. Even if you choose not to participate in making the quilt blocks, all are welcome to pray over the quilt before it is donated and watch as our project comes to completion.
Day: Monday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Home host Topic: Bible Study
Lifestage: Childcare: Campus:
Description: West Jefferson and surrounding area.
Leader(s): Allyson Cordle
Day: Monday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Young Adult Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Young women ages 23-33 looking for fellowship and community. Your 20s are hard, let’s be friends!
Leader(s): Shyane Young Shannon Croce
Day: Sunday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Church Kitchen Topic:
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Interested in learning how to cook or looking for an opportunity to host/serve meals? We provide meals for all Difference Makers during our weekend services as a way to thank them for what they do each weekend! We are looking for people who can help prep the food on Sunday evenings for the following week's services. We are also looking for people who might be interested in helping host, set up the area and clean up our Difference Maker Headquarters for services. During our prep time we will also do a small devotional and pray together! We will meet every other Sunday at 6:00PM in the kitchen to prep, to host/set up we arrive 2 hours before service!
Leader(s): Raquel Obando
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Twice each week
Location: Gimnasio Topic:
Lifestage: Sports Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Ejercita tu cuerpo y Espiritu, crecemos juntos haciendo lo que nos gusta
Leader(s): Kyle Schroeder
Day: Sunday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Dublin Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Dublin
Description: Students meet every Sunday night to hear a relevant message, worship together, play a ton of games, and connect in a small group! 6:00-7:30pm
Leader(s): William Martin Monica Martin Dean Everly
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Room 156 Topic: Support & Recovery
Lifestage: Support Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: If you've recently experienced divorce or separation, we invite you to join us at DivorceCare. Find forgiveness and reconciliation as you seek Christ with others in this supportive environment. You can join at any time during the session.
The $20 workbook can be purchased with cash or check at the first meeting you attend. Contact the group leader for additional information.
The next session begins Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 6:30pm.
Leader(s): Sharyn Mackey
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Dublin Campus Topic:
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: Dublin
Description: Group that meets to help Lex set up for Kids Ministry 10am-12pm at the Dublin Campus
Leader(s): Francisco Ortiz Elba Quiñones
Day: Friday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Monthly
Location: AD Chapel Topic: Worship
Lifestage: Couples Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Crear un espacio íntimo y acogedor donde podamos explorar juntos la comunión y fortalecer nuestra fe a través de cánticos y oración, promoviendo una conexión más profunda con Jesús. Utilizamos la música como una herramienta poderosa para conectar con Él y con otros, creando un ambiente donde podamos expresar nuestra adoración y experimentar un sentido de unidad y comunidad. Además, buscamos reflejar el amor y la gracia de Jesús en nuestras vidas y en nuestra comunidad, viviendo nuestra fe de manera activa y comprometida, y sirviendo a los demás con humildad mientras proclamamos el mensaje transformador del Reino de Dios.
Leader(s): Nury Lemus
Day: Saturday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Couples Childcare: Yes Campus: Espanol
Description: Somos un grupo BILINGÜE de personas deseosas de crecer espiritualmente, nos caracterizamos porque nuestro primer idioma es el espanol, queremos unir todas nuestras banderas en una sola JESUS.
Leader(s): Edgardo Rivera Frances Cruz
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: Yes Campus: Espanol
Description: Somos un grupo de personas deseosas de crecer espiritualmente, nos caracterizamos porque nuestro primer idioma es el espanol, queremos unir todas nuestras banderas en una sola JESUS.
Leader(s): Ricardo Rada
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Cypress Espanol Topic:
Lifestage: Men Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Hombres con Compromiso
Leader(s): Julio Obando Raquel Obando
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Preparación Pastoral Jóvenes Students
Leader(s): Julio Obando
Day: Friday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Couples Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Nos reunimos para aprender mucho sobre el amor de Dios y el desafío de la vida. Juntos crecemos y nos fortalecemos.
Leader(s): Ivan Infante Barbara Rangel
Day: Friday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Somos un grupo de personas deseosas de crecer espiritualmente, nos caracterizamos porque nuestro primer idioma es el espanol, queremos unir todas nuestras banderas en una sola JESUS.
Leader(s): Mauricio Pena Ginna Rincon
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Casa de Gina Topic:
Lifestage: Couples Childcare: Yes Campus: Espanol
Description: Somos un grupo de personas deseosas de crecer espiritualmente, nos caracterizamos porque nuestro primer idioma es el espanol, queremos unir todas nuestras banderas en una sola JESUS. Viernes Tarde-Noche.
Leader(s): Claudia Marcela Novoa Ruth Mery Herrera
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: en la casa y shops de cafe Topic:
Lifestage: Young Adult Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: para mujeres jóvenes en busca de amistad, que quieren crecer en su fe, y comprensión de nuestra parte como mujeres
Leader(s): Catalina Polania
Day: Friday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Couples Childcare: Yes Campus: Espanol
Description: Somos un grupo de personas deseosas de crecer espiritualmente, nos caracterizamos porque nuestro primer idioma es el espanol, queremos unir todas nuestras banderas en una sola JESUS.
Leader(s): Pedro (nacho) Garcia Adriana Diaz
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Young Adult Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Somos un grupo de personas deseosas de crecer espiritualmente, nos caracterizamos porque nuestro primer idioma es el espanol, queremos unir todas nuestras banderas en una sola JESUS.
Leader(s): Samuel Garcia
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Grupo de Jovenes que se reúnen a adorar juntos semanal y compartir
Leader(s): Francisco Ortiz Elba Quiñones
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Grupo libro "cantemos" Worship Team discipulado
Leader(s): Cami Ferko Vic Ferko
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Our house Topic: Following the sermon series
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: Dublin
Description: Plain City Mixed group, couples, singles. No kids.
Leader(s): Randy Freeman Richard Marshall
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Freeman's Garage Topic:
Lifestage: Men Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: Talking about Jesus while working on cars! Meeting Wednesday at 7pm.
For questions or if you need work done, reach out to Richard Marshall at (614) 300-0731.
Leader(s): Tonya Freeman
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: GC/Galloway Topic: Doing Life with Your Adult—or almost adult—Children
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: Moms on the journey together as we make time for self care, so we can pour into our growing, independent children.
Wednesday at 7pm!
Leader(s): Hugh Garside
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: TeeJay's Topic: MEN
Lifestage: Men Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: We are a men's breakfast group with a rotating format. We have done book studies, Bible studies, and have followed the group study guide from the weekend service. We meet at 6:00am at TeeJay's in Grove City.
Leader(s): Austin Mooney
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Grove City Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Interest Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: Cypress Grove City Mowing and Lawn Care Team. This group is for people who love to mow and serve the church.
Leader(s): Dale George
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Student Center Topic: Prayer
Lifestage: Prayer Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Meet every Tuesday morning for the purpose of praying for the ministries and requests of the church.
Leader(s): Penny Gifford
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Local Parks, Trails, Neighborhoods TBD Topic:
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: If you enjoy evening walks and praying for others then this group is for you! Open to women and men of all ages. We will meet two Tuesdays per month from 6:30pm to (approx) 7:30pm (spring/summer session hours). During our time together we will share and uplift prayers and concerns with each other as well as pray for those we encounter during our walk. These prayers may be spoken or silent, as the spirit leads! Adding a mission element to our gatherings as well, we will take a collection of items to donate to a specific organization.
Leader(s): Drew Gillespie
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Dublin Campus Topic:
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: Dublin
Description: We meet at the Dublin Campus worship center at 7:30pm! We will have three courts going and an amazing time for fellowship and fun.
Leader(s): Julio Obando
Day: Friday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Gimnasio Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Discipulado Ministerial
Leader(s): Ricardo Rada Claudia Marcela Novoa
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Gimnasio Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Discipulado Ministerial
Leader(s): Raquel Obando Julio Obando
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Gimnasio Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Espanol
Description: Discipulado Ministerial
Leader(s): Matthew Wilkin Kami Wilkin
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Support Childcare: No Campus: London
Description: Grief Share helps you face the challenge of the loss of a loved one and helps you move toward rebuilding your life as you walk through the grieving process.
The cost is $20. The workbook can be purchased at griefshare.org
Grief Share will be on Tuesdays for 13 weeks starting August 20th, 6:30-8:00 p.m., at the Cypress London Campus, 2343 US-42. There will be no childcare.
Please sign up at https://www.griefshare.org/findagroup
Leader(s): Susan Weber
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Alton Darby Campus Topic: Support & Recovery
Lifestage: Support Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: GriefShare helps you face the challenge of the loss of a loved one and helps you move toward rebuilding your life as you walk through the grieving process. Each class is self-contained, so you can join at anytime.
The $20 workbook can be purchased with cash or check at the first class you attend. Contact the group leader for additional information.
The next session begins Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 6:30pm
Leader(s): Nadine Haskell
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Haskell home-Galloway Topic: Dinner
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Women's group of all ages and stages meeting weekly on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30 pm close to the Alton-Darby campus. The group rotates between sermon notes, group devotionals, and monthly outreach projects. There is also the occasional girl's night out for dinner or a movie.
PLEASE NOTE FOR SUMMER 2024, we are doing a relaxed summer and have various fun fellowship activities including a movie night, pool party, walking taco and Pictionary, etc... We will resume normal group nights in the fall.
Leader(s): Brittany Rucker
Day: Sunday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Alton Darby Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: High School students meet every Sunday night to hear a relevant message, worship together, and connect in a small group!
Leader(s): Kole Vanover
Day: Sunday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Grove City Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: High School students meet every Sunday night to hear a relevant message, worship together, and connect in a small group!
6pm- Cypress Grove City
Leader(s): Parker Robson
Day: Sunday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: London Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: London
Description: High School students meet every Sunday night to hear a relevant message, worship together, and connect in a small group!
Leader(s): Matt Adkins Stephen Moller
Day: Saturday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Monthly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: London
Description: This group will meet at Battelle Darby Creek Nature Center (Where the Bison are). We will do a short devotional and then go on a hike. The trails and this group are family friendly, all are welcome to join this group.
Leader(s): Jody Pickett
Day: Sunday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: Yes Campus: London
Description: Our team consists of Greeters, Lobby Hosts (including I’m New and Next Steps), Café Manager Teams, Parking Lot Attendants, Usher Teams, Medical Teams, and the Safety & Security Teams. Our goal is to create a wonderful experience for our Sunday morning services where people feel welcomed and loved and to help them identify and take their next step!
Leader(s): Jennifer Ives
Day: Sunday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Home Topic: Discipleship and Devotion
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: Yes Campus: Dublin
Description: What does it mean to be Chosen? Discover what it means when Jesus chooses YOU. This group parallels the TV series 'The Chosen' connecting us to the Bible in a brand-new way. This season we take a closer look at God’s character, power, and promises using the framework of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. It emphasizes that, by following Jesus, we have hope in every situation—and especially in the hard times. Come and experience Christ as we follow His ministry in the gospels. Sundays 6-7:30 pm
Leader(s): Andrea Jackson
Day: Monday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Jackson Residence Topic:
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Are you a woman who finds herself walking life alone? Maybe a widow, divorced or just in it by yourself...our group seeks to empower women to have the support and encouragement to become the woman that God created you to be for Him.
This group will pair with Andrea Jackson's Tuesday morning group to accommodate life's schedule challenges! We meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month!
Leader(s): Andrea Jackson
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Every other week
Location: Jackson Residence Topic: Divorced, Single, Widowed
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Are you a woman who finds herself walking life alone? Maybe a widow, divorced or just in it by yourself...our group seeks to empower women to have the support and encouragement to become the woman that God created you to be for Him.
This group will pair with Andrea Jackson's Monday evening group to accommodate life's schedule challenges! We meet 8:30am-10:00am on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Leader(s): Melissa Jaeb Scott Jaeb
Day: Monday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Dublin Campus Difference Maker HQ Topic: Prayer
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: Dublin
Description: We meet together Mondays 7pm-8pm to pray over our campus, the different ministries, and any pressing need! Anyone is welcome to come pray or be prayed for!!
Leader(s): Stacey Haller Amy Janacek
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: A group of women wanting to make friends and share in God's love. Anyone welcome.
Leader(s): Jon Keel
Day: Saturday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Every other week
Location: Dublin Panera Topic: TBD
Lifestage: Men Childcare: No Campus: Dublin
Description: For men over 50. Open discussion to help each of us move further along in our relationship with Christ, no matter where we are right now. Saturday mornings every other week at 8am.
Leader(s): Rita Nowell Nate Kelly
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: My house Topic: I was made for this
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: We are a Christ centered group devoted to growing together in our faith through Bible study and community service. We meet at 6:30pm on Thursdays.
Leader(s): Nate Kelly
Day: Monday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Cypress Church Topic:
Lifestage: Sports Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: We meet in the worship center Monday Nights starting at 6:30pm We plan to start Mid October. We have 3 Pickleball courts and would love to have you join us!
Interested reach out to Nate Kelly- 614-214-3705
Leader(s): Madi Kennedy
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Monthly
Location: London Topic:
Lifestage: Young Adult Childcare: No Campus: London
Description: A group for young adults in their 20s to grow in their faith and their friendship. Group starts at 6pm.
Leader(s): Parker Robson
Day: Sunday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: Yes Campus: London
Description: On the Kids Difference Maker Team we strive to create a fun, friendly, focused, and safe atmosphere for our kids! You get to be apart of a team that prays for each other and supports one another. We like to have fun with silly string, hayclay and crazy dance moves! You get to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the families at the London Campus! We love seeing God work in and through you!
Leader(s): Cierra Kowaliw
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Every other week
Location: Hilliard library or zoom Topic: Variety
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: “Beautifully Broken” by Plumb inspired the name for this group. In this group I hope we can feel comfortable being real and being honest about life and the struggles we may face and be able to share how God has been there to help us pick up the pieces.
Kids are welcome but there will not be childcare :) We usually meet 6:30-8:30pm
Leader(s): Mathew La Croix
Day: Tuesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: YBYC WORKOUT Topic: Grace and the Bible
Lifestage: Men Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Challenge yourself physically and spiritually
Leader(s): Kyra Lemons
Day: Sunday Time of day: Afternoon Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Young women ages 18-23.
The purpose of this group is to help young women find a community, find friends, and talk about various topics together. No question is a bad question! We meet on Sundays at 1 pm at Bob Evans 1111 Rome Hilliard Rd
Columbus, OH 43228
Leader(s): Brian Lewis
Day: Friday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Hilliard ChickFilA Topic: Study the Mind of Christ from scripture, with an understanding of Spiritual Warfare and the battlefield of the Mind
Lifestage: For Everyone Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: This Group studies the Mind of Christ and understanding Spiritual Warfare and the "battlefield of the mind". No Book is required, as the host leader will bring handouts for discussion on each week's topic
Leader(s): April Logue Emily Ferguson
Day: Thursday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Monthly
Location: Grandview Grind 7-8 pm Topic: sermon series "talk about it"
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Cypress moms in Grandview looking for community, support, and growth in our faith. We plan to use the small discussion guide from current sermon series.
Leader(s): Angie Long
Day: Sunday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Monthly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Prayer Childcare: No Campus: London
Description: We meet on the first Sunday of the month at 8:30am at the London Campus in the lobby. We pray over the building, for adults, students, and kids ministries.
Leader(s): Nancy Stoll Sophia Buchanan Deb McKay
Day: Monday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Cypress Church Topic: Weekend Message Application
Lifestage: Women Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: Looking for connection and friends with other ladies? Come to our new group on Monday evenings 6:30-8:00 pm in the Chapel. We will be gathered around tables to keep things small. If you need childcare please reach out. We have options.
Leader(s): Molly McMurray Casey McMurray
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Support Childcare: Yes Campus: Alton Darby
Description: This is a new group that focuses on supporting the whole family through recovery of a hurt, hang-up or habit of any kind. We will meet at our house on Wednesday at 6:30pm. Kids welcome to come and play quietly:)
Leader(s): Brittany Rucker
Day: Sunday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Alton Darby Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Middle School students meet every Sunday night to hear a relevant message, worship together, and connect in a small group!
Leader(s): Kole Vanover
Day: Sunday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Grove City Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: Middle School students meet every Sunday night to hear a relevant message, worship together, and connect in a small group!
6pm- Cypress Grove City
Leader(s): Parker Robson
Day: Sunday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: London Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: London
Description: Middle School students meet every Sunday night to hear a relevant message, worship together, and connect in a small group!
Leader(s): Kyle Schroeder
Day: Sunday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Dublin Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Dublin
Description: Gatherings are small groups for middle school students that meet during adult worship services (every Sunday 9:30-10:30am and 11am-12pm). Students learn more about a relationship with God and connect with friends and group leaders!
Leader(s): Brittany Rucker
Day: Sunday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Alton Darby Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Alton Darby
Description: Gatherings are small groups for middle school students that meet during adult worship services (every Sunday 9:30-10:30am and 11am-12pm). Students learn more about a relationship with God and connect with friends and group leaders!
Day: Sunday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Grove City Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Grove City
Description: Gatherings are small groups for middle school students that meet during adult worship services (every Sunday 9:30-10:30am and 11am-12pm). Students learn more about a relationship with God and connect with friends and group leaders!
Leader(s): Parker Robson
Day: Sunday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: London Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: London
Description: Gatherings are small groups for middle school students that meet during adult worship services (every Sunday 9:30-10:30am and 11am-12pm). Students learn more about a relationship with God and connect with friends and group leaders!
Leader(s): Andrew VanHoose
Day: Sunday Time of day: Morning Frequency: Weekly
Location: Marysville Campus Topic:
Lifestage: Students Childcare: No Campus: Marysville
Description: Gatherings are small groups for middle school students that meet during adult worship services, every Sunday during our 11am service. Students learn more about a relationship with God and connect with friends and group leaders!
Leader(s): Matt Milholland Annie Milholland
Day: Wednesday Time of day: Evening Frequency: Weekly
Location: Topic:
Lifestage: Couples Childcare: No Campus: Marysville
Description: A group for young couples without kids seeking community and deeper relationships with Christ.