Leader(s): Lorraine Brown Day:SaturdayTime of day:LunchFrequency:Weekly Location:Parents Room Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Girls / WomenChildcare:No Description: This group will help you to take the next steps as a follower of Jesus Christ. Our Christian walk is so much more than just Sunday mornings. - This group meets Saturday afternoons at 1 pm.
Leader(s): Thomas Cline Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:Weekly Location: Lifestage:Any AgeGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:Yes Description: This group will help you to take the next steps as a follower of Jesus Christ. Our Christian walk is so much more than just Sunday mornings. - This group meets Wednesday evenings at 6 pm
Leader(s): Chris McCulloch Andrew Nosbisch Regina Pristas Day:SundayTime of day:MorningFrequency:Weekly Location:Youth Cafe Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:No Description: This group is for students ages 6th to 12th grades and will help you to take the next steps as a follower of Jesus Christ. Our Christian walk is so much more than just Sunday mornings - This group meets Sunday mornings at 9:15 am.
Leader(s): Deana Cline Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:Weekly Location:Upstairs Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:No Description: This group is for women only and will use the study "In His Image" by Jen Wilkin - This group meets Wednesday evenings at 6 pm
Leader(s): Brian & jean Emershack Day:FridayTime of day:MorningFrequency:Weekly Location:Parents Room Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:No Description: This group will study the book of Daniel. - This group meets Friday mornings at 10:15 am start date TBD
Leader(s): Heather Bach Catrina Smith Day:ThursdayTime of day:MorningFrequency:Weekly Location:Parents Room Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:No Description: This group is for women only and will focus on deepening our spiritual walk. - This group meets Thursday Mornings at 10 am
Leader(s): Dana Serrapere Day:TuesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:Weekly Location:Parents Room Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:No Description: This group will study the book of Ephesians - This group meets Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm
Leader(s): Eric Farst Edith Farst Day:SundayTime of day:MorningFrequency:Weekly Location:Parents Room Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:No Description: This group will study the book of John - This group meets Sunday mornings at 9:45 am
Leader(s): Lorraine Brown Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:Weekly Location:Conference Room Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:At the Church Description: The Life Recovery Group helps men and women recover--through the power of Christ--from the emotional, physical, relational and spiritual wounds that addiction can leave. This group meets Wednesdays starting at 6 pm.
Leader(s): Caleb Danner Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:Weekly Location:Upstairs Lifestage:Any AgeGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:Yes Description: This group will study the book of Philippians. - This group meets Wednesday nights at 6 pm.
Leader(s): Michelle Morgan Rick Morgan Day:ThursdayTime of day:EveningFrequency:Weekly Location:Offsite/West Mifflin Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Co-ed / MixedChildcare:Yes Description: This group will study the book of Phillipians. -This group meets Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm offsite
Leader(s): Chris McCulloch Day:SaturdayTime of day:MorningFrequency:Weekly Location: Lifestage:Any AdultGender Mix:Boys / MenChildcare:No Description: The parking team is the very first ministry that visitors and regular attendees run into when visiting our campus! If you love Jesus and people this is the spot for you!