Day:ThursdayTime of day:EveningStart Date:01/05/2023
Description: A men’s group that is a small community of believers within CFC’s large community of believers.
Our group desires multi-generations and multi-levels of knowledge of His Word. This allows a diverse group of men to listen, learn, connect, and fellowship in each of our journeys.
Our group will review and break down the previous Sunday’s messages utilizing supplied study questions relating to the message.
We are a group that understands the importance of Men’s Ministry within CFC and strive to participate in various events and studies throughout the year. The group will take a break during a Men’s Ministry-sponsored study to encourage attendance, participation and growth.
We meet year-round on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningStart Date:09/11/2024
Description: For men desiring to grow in their faith while developing long lasting friendships. Don't worry if you're not a great theologian or an all knowing Bible scholar. All levels of Bible knowledge are welcome and encouraged. Diversity helps generate informative, stimulating and thought provoking conversation.
The format of this group will be:
* Spend time in Prayer focusing on specific prayer requests
* Study Scripture or Scriptures
* Discuss your personal observations of those Scriptures meaning as well as how they apply to our lives today
* Group ending in closing Prayer
We will meet every other week at CFC and will try to keep it between 60 - 90 minutes but could run longer from time to time.
Day:TuesdayTime of day:MorningStart Date:02/26/2024
Description: No sign up needed, just come. This men's group meets Tuesday mornings at 7:30 and has a hot breakfast in Solid Grounds then studies the Word together. Ed Hibbard is the group facilitator and David Niednagel is the bible teacher.
Day:TuesdayTime of day:EveningStart Date:01/03/2023
Description: Our group is made up of 50s/60s married guys who have been meeting for a few years. We're committed to study, prayer and fellowship. We also intentionally try to connect via text thread throughout the week. We meet for 90 minutes at CFC every other Tuesday.
Day:WednesdayTime of day:EveningStart Date:09/13/2023
Description: We're a group of men that meet weekly for bible study, fellowship and prayer. We are using Dr. John MacArthur book studies. We begin at 6:30pm.