Leader or Facilitator (s): Donna York Day:ThursdayTime of day:1:00 pmFrequency:WeeklyStart Date:09/19/2024 Location:East Cry RoomCity:BoiseTopic:Mature Women's Study Childcare:No Description: Growing Old Gracefully
This group of mature ladies meets for prayer, study of the Word, and fellowship to discover how God will use them mightily during this season of their lives.
Leader or Facilitator (s): Ashli Fiola Jessica Tyler Day:WednesdayTime of day:VariousFrequency:WeeklyStart Date:09/18/2024 Location:Independent Study and PodcastCity:Topic: Childcare:No Description: Maintaining A Sane Brain independent study
For those who desire a self-paced study to fit within the constraints of their schedule. This is the same study we offer on Tuesday mornings but meant to be done at your own convenience. Along with a workbook of weekly study you will also receive a weekly podcast episode with teaching from Colleen Maile.
Leader or Facilitator (s): Leadership MomCo Finance/Registration MomCo Day:FridayTime of day:9:30 amFrequency:2nd & 4th FridaysStart Date:09/13/2024 Location:Youth BuildingCity:BoiseTopic: Childcare:Yes Description: The MomCo. (formerly called MOPS) is a group of moms, with children ages newborn through five years old, that helps equip and encourage through the challenges and blessings of raising children. We meet September through May on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month at 9:30AM. Child care is provided. Cost is $110. Space is limited to 90 sign ups. For more information contact momcocalvarychapel@gmail.com.
Leader or Facilitator (s): Ashli Fiola Kris Martin Day:ThursdayTime of day:6:30 pmFrequency:WeeklyStart Date:02/06/2025 Location:Prayer RoomCity:Topic: Childcare:No Description: Spiritual Mothering
“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” Titus 2:3-5
Understanding and building bridges across generations to live out God’s word together. The combination of younger women who are teachable and older women who are willing to open their hearts gives ALL women the privilege to obey The Titus Mandate.
Leader or Facilitator (s): Ashli Fiola Vikki Green Day:TuesdayTime of day:6:30 pmFrequency:WeeklyStart Date:02/18/2025 Location:Prayer RoomCity:BoiseTopic:Healed and Set Free Childcare:No Description: Healed and Set Free
Are you tired of the hollow feelings that hurts bring? Healed and Set Free is not just a book, it's a journey from the prison of past hurts to freedom. It leads readers through the difficult things in life, into the life God wants us to have. Healed and Set Free is a 9-week Bible study. Learn 4 biblical tools to become healed and set free from difficulties such as: Marital Grudges | Sexual Abuse | Adultery | Rape | Divorce | Rejection | Betrayal | Depression | Guilt | Bitterness | Out of Control Anger | Unforgiveness.
Books available for $10 available on the first night of class (cash or check made payable to Calvary Boise)
*Don’t delay in registering for this class. Due to the sensitive nature of this study, class size is limited to 10.
Leader or Facilitator (s): Ashli Fiola Day:WednesdayTime of day:10:00 amFrequency:WeeklyStart Date:01/15/2025 Location:Youth 401City:Topic:Bible Study Childcare:Yes Description: Luke in the Land will take you through Israel to study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. Challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus. Along the way, you’ll see how Jesus , the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody.
Registration required
Childcare available for Infant to 4 years old
Leader or Facilitator (s): Ashli Fiola Jessica Tyler Day:TuesdayTime of day:9:30 amFrequency:WeeklyStart Date:09/17/2024 Location:Youth 400City:Topic:Maintaining a Sane Brain Childcare:Yes Description: Maintaining a Sane Brain
Worried, scared, anxious, stressed, overwhelmed?" You are not alone. Mayhem seems to be our new norm. Social unrest, political turmoil, economic devastation, educational upheaval, and the looming threat of a capricious disease can sow deep and troubling seeds of discouragement and despair in our hearts. Yet God says, we do not possess a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) This study examines the lives of men & women from long ago who have a lot to teach us about overcoming fear today. The lessons also help establish our prayer lives, build up our faith and fine-tune our hope—the expectation of a good outcome in every circumstance. Weekly gatherings and brief daily devotionals, help us defeat doubt, develop trust and relax. The end result: a better knowledge of our loving God, and the ability to maintain a sane brain no matter what.
Class starts Tuesday September 17
9:30 am to 11:30 am
Registration Required
Childcare available for Infant to 4 years old
$10 for materials to be provided on first day of class
Leader or Facilitator (s): Cynthia Besecker Ashli Fiola Day:WednesdayTime of day:9:30 amFrequency:WeeklyStart Date:09/18/2024 Location:Youth 400City:BoiseTopic:Precept: 2 Corinthians Childcare:Yes Description: Precept: 2 Corinthians
Afflicted. Burdened beyond our strength. Despairing of life.
No rest for the flesh. Fears within, conflicts without.
This is how Paul describes his situation as he writes 2 Corinthians. It is a letter unlike any of the others he has written. So timely for what is happening, not only in a culture that wants nothing to do with the restraints of God's Word, but in a world where the nations are in an uproar-taking a stand against the Lord and against His Anointed (Psalm 2:1-3).
The question is, are we prepared, equipped for the days ahead?
Come join us in our study of 2 Corinthians.
Starting Wednesday September 18th ending February 26th. Holidays Wednesday November 27th, Wednesday December 25th-January 1. Back to class January 8th to last class on February 26th.
9:30am to 11:45am
Registration Required
Childcare available for Infant to 4 years old
Books will be ordered through and can be purchase at the church bookstore approx $26
Books will also will be available at the first few classes.
Hope to see you there
Leader or Facilitator (s): Carolyn Travis Ashli Fiola Day:ThursdayTime of day:9:30 amFrequency:WeeklyStart Date:01/09/2025 Location:Youth 400City:Topic:Precept: Kings and Prophets Part 2 Childcare:No Description: Precept: Kings and Prophets Part 2
God searches for a heart fully belonging to Him. God found David, a man after His own heart, but His search was not over as one heart alone is not enough. The kingdom of God marches on and advances on the strength of men and women whose hearts are fully His.
Each of us needs to come to the point where we consciously choose to serve the Lord. To whom you will give your heart? Whose purpose will you serve? How will you impact the course of the kingdom of God? This 5-lesson study incorporates homework, discussion and a supplemental DVD to help you answer these questions.
Workbooks are required and are available in class. The cost is $16.
Leader or Facilitator (s): Ashli Fiola Jessica Guadalupe Day:ThursdayTime of day:6:30 pmFrequency:WeeklyStart Date:09/19/2024 Location:Calvary Boise - Preschool 108City:BoiseTopic:Ephesians Childcare:No Description: Join us as we work our way through a book of the Bible, taking time to explore word by word, verse by verse. No study materials needed other than your Bible, a journal, a pen, and a highlighter.