Pathway Community Church - My App

Thank you for giving! If you have given in the past through this online giving platform, please be sure to log in.

PLEASE NOTE: All giving is attributed to the individual making the gift, so in order to prevent duplicate entries and ensure your giving is credited properly, please enter only one first name (i.e. not the name of a couple). The system will match you by the name and email address we have on file for you. If you have trouble logging in or accessing your giving history, please contact Kara Miller -

Add to your phone's homescreen

iPhone or iPad

  • Touch the Apple Share icon (yellow arrow).
  • Then touch the "Add to Home Screen" icon (red arrow).
  • The Churchteams icon / app will be placed on your home screen.

Android Phone or Tablet

  • Click the three dots in the upper right of the Chrome browser (yellow arrow)
  • Select "Add to Home Screen" (red arrow).
  • The Churchteams icon / app will be placed on your home screen.